Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supplies air conditioners work in turn and set the temperature?

With the continuous development of network information technology, the environmental parameters in the computer room where the server is stored are also becoming more and more important. Some small and medium-sized computer rooms keep the temperature inside the equipment room within a certain range. Not only one air conditioner is installed, but also a spare air conditioner is stored. The purpose is to prevent malfunction of the air conditioner in operation or other reasons. It is necessary to turn on the backup air conditioner. However, it is impossible for the computer room management personnel to stay in the computer room for 24 hours. In order to reduce the burden on the computer room management personnel, the air conditioner intelligent switcher can solve this problem well.
The air conditioner switch can control two air conditioners at the same time to realize functions such as air conditioner caller self-start, timed temperature control switch, failover, and fault alarm. Applicable to computer room, outdoor base station, archives, warehouse and other places. Its principle of using infrared code to switch air conditioners makes the device compatible with all brands of air conditioners on the market.
First, the air conditioner switch concept
The air conditioner dual-machine switcher is a kind of intelligent air-conditioner controller, which can detect and control the running state of the air-conditioner, and control according to the preset air-conditioner operation, shutdown and combined behavior, with automatic call start function, cycle switching, temperature control, Timing control, relay output and other functions. The purpose of protecting equipment, saving energy and reducing consumption, improving the efficiency of computer room management and extending the service life of air conditioners has been achieved. This product is widely used in civil, small and medium-sized computer rooms, communication stations, UPS machine rooms in all types of cabinets. Mainly used for switching control of two air conditioners.
Second, the advantages and Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supplies
Industrial design
It adopts industrial grade design and built-in watchdog circuit to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.
32-bit ARM processor
With a 32-bit ARM processor, it features fast processing and stable performance.
User-friendly interface
The display part adopts a TFT color liquid crystal screen, and has a user-friendly operation interface, and the operation is simple.
Brand optional, temperature optional
Built-in thousands of infrared codes, supporting up to 30 air-conditioning brands, including Midea, Gree, Oaks, Island, Skyworth, Chunlan, Daikin, Galanz, Haier, Hisense, Hualing, Kelon, Likal, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, Duckling, Electrolux, Sakura, Chigo, Changhong, Wellcome, TCL, LG, etc., support more than 95% of air conditioners on the market, and can set the boot temperature.
Universal infrared code learning function
Some uncommon air-conditioning brands that do not support built-in infrared codes can use the infrared code learning function to control air conditioners.
Call self-start
When the air conditioner encounters a power outage and then calls, the air conditioner shutdown cannot be automatically started, and manual startup is required, which brings great trouble to the management. When the power is detected and the call is detected, the infrared signal can be automatically sent to turn on the air conditioner without human control. The call start time can be customized.
Cycle switching
Single or two air conditioning cycle switching can be set, and the cycle switching time can be customized to support 1 minute to 99 hours. Cycle switching is often used to alternate between two air conditioners to improve air conditioning life.
Real-time temperature monitoring and control
It can monitor the ambient temperature in real time, and can be customized. When the ambient temperature exceeds or falls below the custom threshold temperature, the air conditioner turns on or off, and the cycle switching function is turned off until the temperature returns to normal.
Timing control
With RTC real-time clock, up to 5 timed tasks can be set to automatically control the air conditioner at a certain time. The timing mode can be set to single, daily or weekly.
One relay output
It can be customized to turn on or off the relay when the temperature is too high, too low or normal. The Din Rail Switching Mode output is recommended to connect the sound and light alarm to achieve high and low temperature warning function.
Third, technical parameters
 2-way infrared interface
Connection method: Plug and play
Control distance: <5 meters
1 relay output
Contact capacity: (AC) 250 V @ 3 A
Contact capacity: (DC) 30 V @ 3 A
On time (typical): 3 ms
Disconnect time (typical): 1 ms
Insulation resistance: minimum 1000 MΩ (500VDC)
Appearance parameters: 140*100*32mm
Power requirements: DC: +9V ~ +12VDC
Power consumption: 1.9W @12VDC
Mechanical characteristics: ABS plastic housing, standard DIN rail mounting
Environmental characteristics
Working temperature: -10 ~ 60 °C
Storage temperature: -20 ~ 85 °C
Humidity: 5 ~ 95%, no condensation
Fourth, the application area
Industrial site control
Computer room monitoring
Intelligent building
Power communication
Warehousing and monitoring
Electronic product manufacturing
Food machine beverage industry
Five, wiring method
Content source:

Sunday, August 26, 2018


《Raw Data》系當前公認最優秀嘅VR遊戲之一,喺2016年上市嘅一個月內就取得了一百萬美元嘅營收,如果你曾經光顧過街頭巷尾嘅VR體驗店,極有可能已經被推薦過該遊戲。玩家戴上VR頭盔,即可扮演“配槍嘅神職人員”或“舞刀弄箭嘅未來忍者”等角色,喺虛擬世界中閃轉騰挪和戰友協同作戰,守護對方嘅背脢,擊退來犯嘅機械敵人。

3A大作《Raw Data》

除開《Raw Data》咁樣專爲VR全新設計嘅遊戲,也有《生化危機7》咁樣嘅跨界力作,後者喺發售半個月內使用PSVR進行體驗嘅用戶即超過了10萬之數,約占該遊戲當其時總用戶嘅10%。時至今日,官方根據玩家主動分享嘅數據統計《生化危機7》嘅VR玩家已經超過了50萬。《生化危機》系列系營造氣氛嘅優秀代表,配合上VR嘅沈浸感體驗,讓諸多老司機驚呼嚇人,因此喺遊戲社區獲得了極高嘅評價。



從主要嘅VR遊戲分發平台Steam泄漏出嘅一份“部分VR獨占遊戲”銷量數據來睇,《生果忍者VR》咁樣嘅老少皆宜知名應用截止2018年7月嘅銷量尚未超過8萬份,而喺國外VR粉絲中比較流行免費VR社交遊戲《Rec Room》排行最高約30萬份,HTC Vive發布時就展示了Demo嘅《Job Simulator》爲約20萬份。即管如《Beat Saber》咁樣嘅社交網絡寵兒未被列入該統計,但唔得否認嘅系,總體來說VR遊戲內容嘅發展並唔如預期,可以被稱爲爆款嘅VR遊戲屈指可數。

網紅遊戲《Beat Saber》

優質內容嘅缺失,也成了諸多玩家閑置重金購買而來嘅VR公司設備嘅主要原因,當然VR設備和內容系一個典型嘅“先有雞仲系先有蛋”問題。喺頂級嘅三大頭顯中,自成一家嘅索尼PSVR于8月中旬累計銷量剛突破300萬台,這主要得益于龐大嘅PlayStation群體,即將結束生命周期嘅PS4銷量已然超過8000萬台。喺2017年HTC Vive和Oculus Rift兩家嘅銷量喺30萬台級別,以HP、三星爲代表嘅微軟系頭顯則系10萬級別嘅。目前市售産品中配置效果至好嘅Vive Pro,由于發售時間唔足半年,喺市場整體占比較小,但根據Valve官方對近半年接入Steam硬件統計,Vive嘅份額已經連氣四個月上升,至到了1.81%,睇落雖然Vive Pro價格高企(全套超過一萬人民幣),仍系硬核發燒友嘅首選。從Steam平台這份數據來睇,市場份額最高嘅仍系Oculus Rift(46.18%),HTC Vive以44.35%緊隨其後。抵得得注意嘅系市場占有率一向頗爲低迷嘅微軟系頭顯雖然發布已近一年,但近來接入Steam平台嘅份額正逐步上升,從去年底嘅4.35%幾乎系一路升到6.41%。這可能與其銷售策略有關,如HP嘅頭顯喺美亞嘅常規售價唔到300美金,雖然綜合性能要低于Oculus和Vive,但玩玩《Beat Saber》仲系穩穩嘅。下圖爲大陸VR媒體映維網整理嘅Steam平台VR頭顯市場份額,有興趣嘅同學可以深入琢磨一下。


再睇落移動VR公司方面,作爲三星旗艦手機配套嘅Gear VR喺2016年就有著約450萬嘅出貨量,與之對比谷歌嘅Daydream爲20萬級別,但二者喺2017年都有著唔同程度嘅下滑,喺2018年Gear VR已經缺席了三星自家嘅手機發布會。于2018年4月正式上市嘅Oculus Go作爲“廉價”嘅VR一體機定價199美元,Q2銷量約爲30萬台,撐起了主流頭顯嘅銷售數據。該設備只支持三軸定位,主要用于浏覽和簡單嘅遊戲,即管該數據並未包括其喺大陸銷售嘅孿生版小米VR,但從目前黃牛普遍嘅起價行爲來睇,小米VR一體機嘅出貨量可能並唔太高,小米VR團隊此前嘅定調系目標十萬台。作爲移動VR當前旗艦嘅HTC Vive Focus定價3999元,于2017年底開售,目前並冇牙力嘅銷量聲氣。根據官方聲氣與偉仕佳傑簽下了十億人民幣嘅訂單,後者系IT數碼産品領域嘅重要經銷商,若以單台價格2500元嘅經銷商價格來粗略斷估,嗰個約合40萬台,當然這並唔直頭等同于消費者嘅購買量。

Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Big Step for VR Online Games, Intel Announces Large Scale Multiplayer VR Scenarios

Recently, a number of vendors announced their own solutions for using VR in large scenes simultaneously. It is expected that this year's VR online games may be. Recently, Intel announced a series of VR 360 software solutions, which, through cooperation with The Glimpse Group, jointly created a multi-person solution with the same large space.

Intel scene

The program announced this time is part of the Intel Arena Project. In the demo, the player wearing a VR head is displayed in a basketball court with more than 2,500 spectators. The other audience in the stadium is also VR. The first step is to “go in.” The focus of this program is to ensure that the 2,500 VR devices can run at the same time. From the functional performance point of view, this concept can be easily applied to large-scale VR scenes.

Other vendors have also launched their own multiplayer VR scenario solution, which is quite meaningful anyway. Later, it may be possible to visually sit in the same office when many people are meeting in different places, just like some science fiction

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Wattco Energy Limited China Power Company Limited

A high advanced technological power supplies company. 

Surpassing Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supply group with experienced engineers in sophisticate design solutions with outstanding topologies, construction, cost consideration for the industrial. Latest and continually up grade in design concepts towards up to date technologies. 

Over thirty years in the field, the teams are from multi – international top ranking organization. 

We serve in the areas of telecommunications, automation, building, construction, recycle energy and industrial equipment etc.,
Product reliability and high quality is our task, energy saving and environment protection is our policy.