Thursday, August 1, 2013

10 Home Repair Situations Where an LED Headlamp Comes in Handy

An LED headlamp's utility is obvious: it keeps your hands free while producing light. Still, few American homeowners keep a headlamp in their toolkits. To remedy that, we've assembled the following list of home maintenance tasks that are much easier with the inclusion of an LED headlamp.

1. Emergency-related duties, such as turning off the water.

When the power goes out, the importance of having a proper flashlight becomes clear. However, wearing an LED headlamp makes tasks like turning off electrical circuits and water outlets much easier.

2. Putting in new electrical systems, such as lighting fixtures.

Electrical task often require homeowners to run cables behind walls, or through crawl spaces. A headlamp is useful in such situations. Instead of gripping a flashlight in your mouth, or trying to juggle cables, a flashlight, tools, and manuals, you can enjoy hands-free light with an LED headlamp.

3. Repairing clogged sinks.

Fixing a clogged sink is tough enough - don't make things even more complicated by trying to hold a flashlight in your mouth while you work. A headlamp can make this detestable household chore a little less torturous.

4. Replacing light bulbs.

The beauty of an LED headlamp is that its light naturally goes wherever you're looking. Wearing an LED headlamp while you change out that hard-to-reach light bulb will make things much more pleasant.

5. Examining your home for pest problems.

To prevent infestations, it's important to investigate the dark, isolated that pests love at least once a year. That way, you can address any pest problems quickly, before they spiral out of control. An LED Headlamps makes it easy to spot any pests while you crawl through your attic or other access areas.

6. Inspecting pipes after a hard freeze.

Failing to turn off water supplies before a hard freeze can cause major plumbing problems, including burst pipes. After using your LED headlamp to turn off your water supply, and after the freeze has passed, you'll find it extremely handy to use a headlamp while checking to make sure that your pluming system is still working well. Basically, you want to aim the headlamp to shine on pipes, to look for dripping water. Be on the lookout for pooled water as well - this is a sign that you may need some plumbing repair work done. Again, this task is easier with an LED headlamp, since you don't have to worry about handling a flashlight.

7. Checking on the furnace.

To make you can accurately read the furnace read-out, strap on a headlamp. That way, you can make any necessary adjustments without awkwardly cradling the flashlight in your mouth, or under your chin.

8. Cleaning out overflowing gutters.

Most homeowners eventually find themselves trying to clean out their gutters in the middle of a nasty storm. This kind of headlamp is a godsend in this circumstance. It makes it much easier to clear out leaves while balancing on a ladder. (Indeed, trying to do this task with an LED flashlight would be dangerous.)

9. Replacing the gasket on a leaky faucet.

Again, plumbing duties are always easier if your hands are free.

10. Organization tasks.

An LED headlamp can help you see into the corners of your storage areas, while leaving your hands free to organize materials.

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